Maidenhall Primary School

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Our Governors

Welcome to the Governors Page

I am Debbie Bosher and I am the Chair of Governors at Maidenhall Primary School. 

The role of a governor is a voluntary position to oversee the work of the school and the headteacher, through a supportive, productive and challenging relationship.

We are formed from the local community; and consist of parents, local community members, school staff, representatives of the LA and the Headteacher. We work together to make a positive contribution to your child’s education here at Maidenhall Primary School.

If you need to get in touch, you can reach me via email at

What is the role of the Governing Body?

The Governing Body plays an essential part in raising school standards. Ofsted (the
government's monitoring body for schools) notes that the most effective schools demonstrate excellent leadership and management and that includes the governing body.

The role of our governing body is a strategic one. We operate and make decisions as a group, no one governor has the power to make decisions. We have three important roles to play: -

  • Setting the strategic direction— we are involved in setting the aims and objectives for the school and the policies and procedures needed to achieve them.
  • Ensuring accountability—we monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making against its objectives. We also monitor the budget.
  • Acting as a critical friend—we provide support and challenge to the head teacher and teaching staff.

How do we do this?

We currently hold seven full governors’ meeting per year which every governor attends.  Governors’ meetings include a variety of the following

  • Safeguarding as standard
  • Updates from the head teacher on all aspects of the school from pupil performance through to budget management
  • The opportunity to challenge and ask questions about the running of the school
  • The chance to thank staff and congratulate them on successes
  • Discussion of particular problems / issues arising in the school and how they can be resolved efficiently and effectively
  • Debate about how best to spend particular parts of the school budget
  • Approval of the school policies and procedures

School Visits

Governors monitor the school across the year. We may talk to staff and pupils, look at pupils’ work and visit a number of classes and lessons. This allows us to check how well the school is doing towards achieving the priorities in the school improvement plan. In the past our monitoring has included reading and phonics as well as maths and the provision for special educational needs.  

We all enjoy visiting the school and finding out from the children what they are learning, what they are finding difficult and the progress they feel they are making.

Governor information

Governor Biographies

Governance membership 2024-25

Declaration of Interests 2024-25

Governing Body Meeting Dates 2024-25

Maidenhall Attendance Register 2021-22

Maidenhall Attendance Register 2022-23

Maidenhall Attendance Register 2023-24

Maidenhall Governance Structure